Verify ABHA Address

What is ABHA Address?

ABHA Address is an account on a HIE-CM that enables an user to get this health records linked and share these linked records with consent.

Users can create an ABHA address via a PHR application, the NHA HIE-CM Website or by creating a ABHA Number which provides a default ABHA address (14DigitABHANo@abdm). An ABHA address looks like ‘name@abdm’ (production) or ’name@sbx’ (Sandbox).

Users looking to collect their health records digtally are expected to share their ABHA address when they visit a healthcare facility.

sharing ABHA addr sharing ABHA addr

This section covers the methods that must be supported for collecting & verifying the ABHA Address from the user:

  • Scan Health Facility QR
  • Scan User ABHA QR
  • By OTP
  • New vs Returning Patients