Requesting Consent
Whoever wants to access health data, they have to request for user consent. They do this by sending a consent request with the user’s ABHA address to the HIE-CM.
From an HIU perspective, the flow begins when the HIU (e.g. a Doctor at a Hospital) requests consent to view patient’s data.
Upon receipt of such a request from Gateway, HIE-CM acknowledges and sends back a consent request ID to the HIU via the gateway.
The HIE-CM then notifies the patient that an HIU has made a consent request. The patient can view the request details, and choose to either grant it or deny it.
Subsequently, the HIE-CM notifies the HIU requester of the patient’s consent or denial status via the gateway.
- If the request is granted, the HIE-CM sends across the Ids of the consent artefacts that were created against the request, to the HIU.
- If the request is denied, the HIE-CM simply notifies the HIU of the denial of the request.
At the time when the patient registers with the hospital (for accessing medical history), this is (can be) initiated when the user scans the Heath facility QR code & registers Health Facility now has user’s ABHA address and can initiate a consent request.
Meta Codes :
While requesting and exchanging health information, there are meta codes that are relevant to you if you are a HIU.
Purpose of Use - defines what is the purpose of use of the health information that a HIU is requesting for. The following are subset from
Code | Display |
CAREMGT | Care Management |
BTG | Break the Glass |
PUBHLTH | Public Health |
HPAYMT | Healthcare Payment |
DSRCH | Disease Specific Healthcare Research |
PATRQT | Self Requested |
Health Information (HI) Types - defines what types of information a requester is asking for. As of now, the following types are supported.
Code | Display |
Prescription | Prescription |
DiagnosticReport | Diagnostic Report |
OPConsultation | OP Consultation |
DischargeSummary | Discharge Summary |
ImmunizationRecord | Immunization Record |
HealthDocumentRecord | Record artifact |
WellnessRecord | Wellness Record |
Test Cases
S.No | Function | Functionality | Test Case | Steps To Be Executed |
1.1 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory Patient Discovery HIU_FLOW_101 | The System should have a provision to find the patient using ABHA Number or ABHA Address. | 1. Enter ABHA Address/ ABHA Number 2. Select Find Patient |
1.2 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory Consent Request Initiation HIU_FLOW_102" | HIU creates consent request for health records | 1. Enter purpose for consent request. 2. Enter duration and expiry of consent request. 3. Enter Health Info type (out of 7 Health Info types). 4. Initiate Request |
1.3 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory Listing of Consent Requests HIU_FLOW_104 | The system should be able to view the list of consent requests inititated | 1. List of Consent Requests should include - ABHA |
1.4 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory Consent Request is Denied HIU_FLOW_105 | The HIU system should not fetch health data for a denied consent request | 1. Deny Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application. |
1.5 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory Consent Request is Approved HIU_FLOW_106 | The HIU system would fetch health data for the approved consent request | |
1.6 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_107 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = DiagnostocReport Structured/Un-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.7 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_108 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = Prescription-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.8 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_109 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = DischargeSummary-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.9 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_110 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = CosultingNote-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.10 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_111 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = Immunization record-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.11 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_112 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = Health Record-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
1.12 | Create Consent Request | Mandatory HIU_FLOW_113 | Fetch health data for (HI Type = Wellness Record-Un-Structured) | 1. Approve Consent Request on PHR App. 2. Check if data is accessible on the HIU application |
Sample User Experience
- Link a HIU
- Raise a consent request init using that HIU
- Will receive the response on-init api triggered in the callback url
- User can also check the status of the consent request status(like REQUESTED,GRANTED) by passing the consentid in the consent-requests/status api
API Sequence Diagram
The following diagram explains the consent request creation flow of forwarding the request to the gateway so that gateway can forward it to respective CM:
API Information Request Response
1. Create Consent Request
Creates a consent request to get data about a patient by HIU user.
2. Response To Consent Request
Result of consent request creation for a patient.
3. Get Consent Request Status
Get status of consent request done previously
4. Callback to Consent Request Status
Result of consent request done previously. Status of request can be GRANTED, DENIED, EXPIRED