Using ABHA Number

Applicable ToHMIS / LMIS (PVT)Government Health App
Using ABHA NumberOptionalOptional

Functionality Overview

Description: Individual enters ABHA address (xyz@abdm), and it is validated depending on auth mode of validation such as mobile OTP/aadhar OTP/email OTP or password to login.

  • In this flow, individual is given an option of creating ABHA address through ABHA (Number) via KYC document. Please note, the list of KYC documents may be revised from time to time.
  • Create an ABHA address of the format abc@abdm via 14-digit ABHA (Number). In this case, profile details like photo, name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, email ID, and address are fetched from the ABHA system.
  • Individual creates an easy to remember ABHA Address along with its password to login
    • Individuals may link/unlink ABHA (Number) with ABHA address as per their choice.

ABHA Address Policy

  1. ABHA Address Policy:

    • Minimum length is 4 including the allowed alphabet, number & dot(.)
    • Cannot begin with Number
    • Cannot begin or end with dot(.)
    • As a policy, we allow creation of all numeric ABHA addresses for ABHA Number only: 14digit@abdm.
  2. 10-digit Mobile number as ABHA Address:

    • For now, we have restricted the creation of (10 digit) MobileNumber@abdm
  3. Creation of (14 digit@abdm):

    • ABHA Address is not allowed however, we have the provision for the user to login with the same 14digit@abdm both in web PHR and mobile PHR.
  4. Password validation :

    • This has been made optional. You may kindly check the below APIs at your end and reach out to us in case of any issues:
      • Registration via ABHA: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/create-phr-address
      • Registration via Mobile and Email: /api/v1/phr/registration/create/phr

Test Cases

Using ABHA Number - Registration Flow : ABHA address creation with ABHA number flow (KYC verified flow)

S.NoFunctionalityTest ScenarioSteps To Be Executed
1.MandatoryClick on “Register” to create a new ABHA address
2.MandatorySelect the “ABHA number” option to create ABHA address via ABHA number and click on “Continue” button
3.MandatoryEnter the 14 - digit ABHA number and click on “Continue” button
4.MandatoryValidate ABHA number by entering aadhar OTP/mobile OTP received on mobile number linked with entered ABHA number.Check if an individual receives aadhar OTP/mobile OTP and able to validate the ABHA number.
5.MandatoryResend aadhar OTP / mobile OTP after 60 seconds.Check if an individual receive aadhar OTP / mobile OTP after 60 seconds and an individual is able to validate the ABHA number by entering the OTP.
6.MandatoryDisplay ABHA addresses linked with entered validated ABHA number. So that an individul can select an ABHA address in which one wishes to login.Check if all ABHA addresses linked to ABHA number are displayed to select any one and login in PHR app
7.MandatoryClick on “Still want to create a new ABHA address” for creation of a new ABHA address
8.MandatoryFollowing profile details are auto-populated from ABHA portal: • First Name • Middle Name • Last Name • Date of Birth - Day, Month and Year • Gender • Mobile number • Email ID • Address • State • District • Pin CodeCheck that all profile details are populated from ABHA side to PHR app.
9.MandatoryClick on checkbox beside “User Information Agreement” to voluntarily share profile details with NHA for creating ABHA address and click on “Continue” button.Check if check box is selected beside user information agreement before clicking on “continue” button .
10.MandatoryCreate ABHA address. ABHA address needs to be created as per ABHA address policy. ABHA address policy: Minimum length 4 including alphabet, number & dot (.) are allowed. Number cannot be in beginning and dot (.) cannot be in beginning & end.Check that adherence to ABHA address policy is must to create ABHA address.
11.OptionalSuggestions to create ABHA address as per an individual’s name & username of e-mail ID needs to be displayed while creating it.Check if suggestions of ABHA address are displayed while creating it. Display “already taken” if entered ABHA address is already created by some other individual. Because no two ABHA address can be same.
12.MandatoryCreate password, confirm password and click on “Submit” button. Password needs to be created as per password policy. Password policy: 8 characters or longer, one A-Z, one a-z, one 0-9, atleast one symbol, no space and not more than 2 consecutive characters or keyboard keys.Check that adherence to password policy is must to create ABHA address.
13.MandatoryCongratulation Screen is displayed stating “Congratulations! ABHA address name@abdm is created successfully " and click on “Login” buttonCheck that congratulations message is displayed after creating ABHA address & password. Also, an individual should be able to login with updated ABHA address and password.
14.MandatoryClick on “I Agree” against “Personal Data Processing Consent Form”. Post this user is able to successfully loginCheck that when an individual login for first time, post agreeing to the “Personal Data Processing Consent Form” an individual is able to login.

API Sequnce Diagram

%%{init:{"fontSize": "1.0rem", "sequence":{"showSequenceNumbers":true}}}%% sequenceDiagram autonumber actor User participant HIE-CM note left of HIE-CM : ABHA number User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/search/auth-methods HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note left of HIE-CM : authmethod, ABHA number User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/init/transaction HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User : Returns transactionId note over User,HIE-CM : Resend OTP note left of HIE-CM : transactionId User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/init/resendOtp HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User : Resends OTP note right of User : Returns transactionId note left of HIE-CM : transactionId,RSA Encrypted OTP User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/confirm/credential HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User : Returns transactionId,details of ABHA number note left of HIE-CM : transactionId User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/phr/suggestion HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User :Returns suggested phrAddresses note left of HIE-CM : PHRAddress User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/search/isExist HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User :Return PHR ADDRESS exist or not note left of HIE-CM : transactionId,PHRAddress,RSA Encrypted password User->>+HIE-CM: /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/create-phr-address HIE-CM-->>-User: Response: 200 OK note right of User :Return user token id

API Information Request Response


  • For encrypting the mobileNumber/AadharNumber/otp refer the link

    • To get public key for encryption refer the link
  • For converting an image into Base64 string refer the link

1. Search a user by Health ID Number

Api Checks Health ID Number to find user.


2. Send OTP

Api to create the transaction and send the otp on mobile number.


3. Resend OTP

API to resend the Mobile OTP


4. Verify OTP

API to verify OTP


5. Generate Suggestions

API to Generate List phrAddresses as suggestions


6. Check PHR Address Already Exists

API to check the PHR Address exist or not


7. Create PHR Address