Managing Consents

Functionality Overview

  • The role of the PHR app is to help the user to manage the consent request.

The PHR App must:

  1. List all of the consent requests that have been sent to the user

  2. Allow the user to edit the content of the consent request and modify it as per their requirements.

  3. Allow the user to grant / deny a new consent request.

  4. Allow the users to view granted consents and revoke them at any point in time.

User Experience

Here’s a reference of an ABHA App to help you understand how PHR Applications can do this:

sample user experienece sample user experienece

Test Cases

Tabs in PHR app (My Records/Linked Facility/Consents)

S.NoFunctionalityTest CaseSteps To Be Executed
1Mandatory “Requests” section in the “Consents” tab of PHR app1) Requested - Not yet any action is taken by individual on consent request received from HIU to PHR app.All request (consent / subscription / locker) sent by HIU to patiet are seen in “Requested” dropdown within “Requests” section of PHR app
2Mandatory “Requests” section in the “Consents” tab of PHR app2) Denied - Individual have “Denied” consent request received from HIU to PHR app.All denied request (consent / subscription / locker) by patient are seen in “Denied” dropdown within “Requests” section of PHR app.
3Mandatory “Requests” section in the “Consents” tab of PHR app3) Expired - Requests is expired because patient have not acted on consent request received in PHR app within the time duration set by HIUAll expired request (consent / subscription / locker) by patient are seen in “Expired” dropdown within “Requests” section of PHR app.
4Mandatory “Approved” section in the “Consents” tab of PHR app1) Granted - Patient had granted the consent request received from HIU to PHR appAll granted request (consent / subscription / locker) by patient are seen in “Granted” dropdown within “Approved” section of PHR app.
5Mandatory “Approved” section in the “Consents” tab of PHR app2) Revoked - Patient had revoked consent requests after granting it in PHR app.All revoked request (consent / subscription / locker) by patient are seen in “Revoked” dropdown within “Approved” section of PHR app.

API Sequence Diagram

%%{init:{"fontSize": "1.0rem", "sequence":{"showSequenceNumbers":true}}}%% sequenceDiagram title Managing Consents PHR App->>HIE-CM: List all consent artefacts <br/> GET /consent-artefacts PHR App->>HIE-CM: Approve Request <br/> POST/consent-requests/{request-id}/approve PHR App->>HIE-CM: Deny Request <br/> POST/consent-requests/{request-id}/deny PHR App->>HIE-CM: Revoke Consents <br/> POST/consents/revoke

API Information Request Response

1. List Consent Artefacts


2. Approve Requests


3. Deny Requests


4. Revoke Consents